Are you addicted to travelling? I know I am! Whenever I'm on land, the only thing I can think about is flying again. I can't help it. If it's a disease, than it's a good one: this travel madness has lead me to discover dozens of countries, cities, different ways of thinking and even love!
What is shared by people who have the travel bug? Many small compulsive gestures and comforting landmarks in the transcontinental transportation. Between travel junkies, we understand eachother! So, are you one of us?
You know you're addicted to travel when......
1- You shop for airline tickets all the time, even when you are currently travelling.
2- You know where every electric outlet is in at least 5 connecting airports.

3- You are happy when you have bizarre stopovers that are far-away, because it earns you more miles to tuck away for your next trip.
4- You are now completely zen when it comes to taking long trips. Whether a flight is 2 hours or 13 hours to go to Asia, it's all the same. You sort of go into a trance and out of it once you reach your destination.
5- You calculate everything in terms of travel. The trip becomes a unit of measurement. The discount you just negotiated for your phone plan, is worth half the journey. Your old sofa you put on Kijiji, is a quarter of the long as you don't pawn your belongings for travelling, it's cool!
6- You have so many coins from a multitude of a big pot or at the bottom of a drawer. You definitely lost all hope to ever use that change again, because it would be too long to classify.

7- You have your routine at the airport. You take your coffee at the same stand every time. You know where all the quietest places (never at your gate!) and you can direct yourself to your flight without having to look at the screens.
8- When looking at your ticket correspondence of the day, you know exactly which restaurant you're going to eat at, what city and what meals.
9- Your suitcase is never completely unloaded.

10- You have atleast 3 Boingo Wireless accounts on different emails to enjoy the first 3 months at a discount rate.
11- When you wait for your flight, you silently wish they would ask for volunteers to give up their seats in exchange for flight credit.
12- You dare not have a pet, because the poor beast would be bored at home alone.
13- You reserve several flights in advance because you're too excited and AFTER you look at your calendar to mark it, you realize that it's completely impossible.

14- Your favourite page of the magazine on the plane is the one with the world map with all the destinations of the airline. These little lines that travel the world are dreamy!
15- You know all the safety instructions on the airplane by heart, like a song. In several languages.
So, are you addicted too? Tell me I'm not alone with this disease!
What is shared by people who have the travel bug? Many small compulsive gestures and comforting landmarks in the transcontinental transportation. Between travel junkies, we understand eachother! So, are you one of us?
You know you're addicted to travel when......
1- You shop for airline tickets all the time, even when you are currently travelling.
2- You know where every electric outlet is in at least 5 connecting airports.

3- You are happy when you have bizarre stopovers that are far-away, because it earns you more miles to tuck away for your next trip.
4- You are now completely zen when it comes to taking long trips. Whether a flight is 2 hours or 13 hours to go to Asia, it's all the same. You sort of go into a trance and out of it once you reach your destination.
5- You calculate everything in terms of travel. The trip becomes a unit of measurement. The discount you just negotiated for your phone plan, is worth half the journey. Your old sofa you put on Kijiji, is a quarter of the long as you don't pawn your belongings for travelling, it's cool!
6- You have so many coins from a multitude of a big pot or at the bottom of a drawer. You definitely lost all hope to ever use that change again, because it would be too long to classify.

7- You have your routine at the airport. You take your coffee at the same stand every time. You know where all the quietest places (never at your gate!) and you can direct yourself to your flight without having to look at the screens.
8- When looking at your ticket correspondence of the day, you know exactly which restaurant you're going to eat at, what city and what meals.
9- Your suitcase is never completely unloaded.

10- You have atleast 3 Boingo Wireless accounts on different emails to enjoy the first 3 months at a discount rate.
11- When you wait for your flight, you silently wish they would ask for volunteers to give up their seats in exchange for flight credit.
12- You dare not have a pet, because the poor beast would be bored at home alone.
13- You reserve several flights in advance because you're too excited and AFTER you look at your calendar to mark it, you realize that it's completely impossible.

14- Your favourite page of the magazine on the plane is the one with the world map with all the destinations of the airline. These little lines that travel the world are dreamy!
15- You know all the safety instructions on the airplane by heart, like a song. In several languages.
So, are you addicted too? Tell me I'm not alone with this disease!
Fondateur de Yulair et chasseur de photos de graffitis à travers le monde.