2 for 1 trip, visit two places for the price of one! Fly to Johannesburg, South Africa and then to Amsterdam starting at only $933 from Montreal.

Here are some examples:

More dates are available, you can also switch dates between the examples to change the duration of your trip.

Compare prices for flights on:

Best sites to find the lowest price on accommodation:

Get a 45$ rebate for your first reservation on Airbnb

List of baggage allowance for each carrier

* All prices were valid at the time of publication, but prices change quickly and some may not be available for long. See terms and conditions for more details.


Travel hacker, voyageur et chasseur de prix. Grâce aux bas prix parfois incroyables, j'ai fait le tour du monde en voyageant à rabais et en dénichant des bons prix sur des billets d'avion mais aussi grâce aux astuces du travel hacking.