When there is nothing to fight about between countries, you better believe that someone will find a way to start one. Although this is only a Social Media war and many Americans love Britain and vice versa. It's time to put these rumors to rest and prove who has the best food: America or Britain.

One thing for sure is that they both like fried foods on every level. But Britain has one thing that America lacks, an over-sized appetite. So what do you do when people want to eat? Do you create more meals and even add extra meal times during the day or super-size all your servings?

Ok, Britain was first to import some of the most robust spices and herbs from India. They also have some of the top chefs in the world, but to claim America steals all of their ideas and markets them as their own is a bit far stretched. Or isn't it?

Read the full article why Britain food is better that American food and you be the judge...you'll get a good laugh too. This article is seriously funny. Click here to check it out.

Yulair Blogger