I am a fan of solo travels. For freedom above all, to do what I want, when I want. A few years ago, I decided to travel alone for the first time, to the edge of the Universe and beyond ... in Europe. AH! You were expecting a more ... exotic destination? Intoxicating? Nay! Europe happened to be more for me than just a nice discovery, but above all a particularly rewarding experience on a personal level.

First tip: What to do when the beautiful courage accumulated for months goes away, leaving us there, in the middle of the train station leading to the airport?
In what did I put myself into? I do not even know where I am going! What am I going to do there alone? Remember one thing: this fear is real and normal, but all the courage you've managed to store is always present within you. Far, hollow, but there nonetheless. Take a deep breath and put a foot on the bus. Accompanied by your favorite music, this new adventure will give you wings!
Second tip: What to do when your original plan fails miserably?
After two pressure drops in the aircraft landing at Keflavik, a snowstorm so intense that I could see nothing of Iceland during the day and a half I spent there (in my top 3 destinations « of life ", no need to say that I was disappointed! Don't worry; Iceland has left itself to discover for a month and a half later during the same nice trip), no food because of a closed Reykjavik (!!), I take the plane again to..London! What surprise should I expect next? My couchsurfing host who lets me down without any kind of notice directly after my arrival in town. How did I know? His fake phone number gave me a good idea ... What to do then? Do not lose hope! Know that a guardian angel, a good Samaritan, will always be found on your path, when you really need it. Know it by cons though, open your eyes! For my part, my week in a luxurious apartment on the Buckingham Palace Road, after all these vicissitudes, has quick confirmed this ...
Third tip: Know yourself.
Take as much time alone as you need. One evolves throughout life, and the work that must be done to know the person that you are, in all its complexity, is immense and fascinating. How do I react in this or that situation? What is my favorite sound? What is my favorite smell? If I had one word to describe myself, what would it be? These questions, viewed from here, look a bit stale, but on a trip, take a completely different meaning and can be reassuring in many difficult situations.

Fourth tip: Dare to be the person you are afraid to be at home.
You want to talk to several strangers at a time? Go! You want to buy a train or plane ticket on a whim? Go for it! You want to try lots of questionable food, but that looks oh so tasty? Do it! You will come back grown up and flourished, and these new qualities will not get lost over time. Remember that what happens on a journey, remains on a journey : embarrassing mistakes or moments won't follow you so far! Or at the very least, they will become incredible travel stories!
Last tip: Above all, do not forget to appreciate the presence of others.
There is an infinite number of cultures, languages ??and human beings. Take the opportunity to learn new things! Travel relationships are easily formed and our new friends become a family for a few weeks or months. And who knows, maybe you'll come back with a new best friend for life?

Mathilde Crépin-Bournival
Je suis une géographe qui souhaite raconter des histoires à travers mon objectif. Je mise sur la beauté, peu importe la forme qu’elle prend, pour vous montrer les dessous, souvent insoupçonnés, des endroits que l’on visite!