It's amazing what we discover on a trip! Many things about ourselves, our environment, other cultures ... it is also a perfect playground to practice our passions, and discover new talents!
To each trip its new type of photography. On my first trip, I had a small Fujifilm XP20 camera. I was so much a little afraid to lose my things or to have them stolen, and since I began in photography, I had no need to have the big stuff! I had always had an interest in photography, but without thinking to develop these talents. Until I arrived in Morocco!

I would have wanted so bad to have a good camera to capture all the faces that have crossed my path. But as my camera limited me a bit for that, I turned to the landscape picture ... interest I’d have time to develop throughout my trip in Europe and in Iceland the following year.

The third year, I discovered tested a new function on my device: night photography! I realized the beauty of cities at night. And above all, I took the time to admire it. Have you ever walked in Stockholm, Copenhagen or Paris at night? For example when you returned from a show, you're on a cloud, and you do not want to go to bed, but rather to extend the dream? They become such a jewelry, which is worth keeping in image.

The fourth year was the street photography year, the type of photography that was revealed to me. A nice blend of portraits, landscapes and even architecture, street photography captures a moment that perhaps no one would not notice if we did not search for all the interesting little details of life. It captures pure and spontaneous emotions and scenes of everyday life, but oh so incomparable! I had a good camera for this trip: it allowed more opportunities and better pictures that can be printed!

Moral of the story? Going or planning a trip? Take the opportunity to bring a passion or interest with you! Photo, writing, reading ... hobbies take a whole new meaning when traveling. It enable discoveries and our talents to bloom quickly!

Mathilde Crépin-Bournival
Je suis une géographe qui souhaite raconter des histoires à travers mon objectif. Je mise sur la beauté, peu importe la forme qu’elle prend, pour vous montrer les dessous, souvent insoupçonnés, des endroits que l’on visite!